Traditional Window Restoration
Traditional Window Restoration – The aim of conservation is to retain as much of the original glazing as possible with the minimum of intervention. There eventually comes a point with every old building where the windows have deteriorated to a level where complete restoration is the only option. In such cases, the glazing is carefully removed and restored to its former glory whilst retaining as much of the original as possible.
At Glasswood, we understand the nature of historic windows and glazing and we have extensive experience of working in historically important buildings and churches using traditional methods and materials.
We deal with everything from minor repairs to leaded glazing through to major restoration/conservation projects in excess of £100K.
We specialise in the replacement, restoration and conservation of iron and steel windows and treat every project with respect and are sympathetic to the integrity of the buildings we are working on.
Glasswood Services
Associated ironwork
Leaded glazing is inherently flexible and requires additional support. This support is provided by external bars or internal steel strips. As with the metal casements, the ferrous bars do corrode causing substantial damage where the tips of the bars are within the stone or timber surrounds. Left unchecked, the corrosion to the tips of the bars will expand and burst the stone. The bars can be removed with the glazing or can be removed with the glazing in place
Iron and steel windows are ferrous and so even if correctly maintained will eventually corrode. Accessible surface corrosion can be treated and dealt with in situ; however it is the inaccessible surfaces behind the glazing or within the stone or timber surrounds that cause long term problems. It is not possible to deal with this underlying corrosion in situ. Left untreated, the corrosion will expand and eventually damage the stonework or timber frame and break the glass.
These can often be repaired in situ or, where this is not possible, replacement timber frames can be manufactured to match the old windows.
Our in house joinery can deal with your requirements including the supply and installation of modern factory finished high performance double glazed hardwood windows.